2010年8月2日 星期一


頂果欽哲法王是邱陽創巴仁波切與薩姜米龐仁波切的主要上師。本月份,頂果欽哲法王的轉世,揚希欽哲仁波切,首度抵達北美弘法。香巴拉隆重歡迎法王的來臨;薩姜基金會邀請您參與護持的行列,請點按此網頁:please visit The Sakyong Foundation http://www.sakyongfoundation.org/shambhala-community-celebrates / before 11 August.

the Chronicles of Chogyam Trunpga Rinpoche http://www.chronicleproject.com/stories_166.html

若您有意參加法會,請至:Celebrating the Return http://khyentsevisit2010.org /







02 Aug 2010 - Shambhala Community Celebrates and Supports Unbroken Lineage of Profound Teachings

His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche was a principal teacher to both the Vidyadhara Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and the Sakyong, Jamgon Mipham Rinpoche. 2010 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of His Holiness as well as the first visit of his tulku, Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche to the west.

The Sakyong Foundation is gathering contributions to offer a grant to support this historic visit. Gesar Mukpo, Sechen Kontrul Rinpoche, will present this collective gift on behalf of the Sakyong and the entire Shambhala community at the tea and rice ceremony at the Boulder Shambhala Center on 11 August.

Please join us in expressing our Shambhala community's generosity and support of Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche's first teaching tour in the west. Individual contributions as well as gifts collected on behalf of Shambhala Centres are welcome. To participate, please visit The Sakyong Foundation http://www.sakyongfoundation.org/shambhala-community-celebrates / before 11 August.

For extensive coverage of the heart connection His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche has to our sangha, please visit the Chronicles of Chogyam Trunpga Rinpoche http://www.chronicleproject.com/stories_166.html

For more information about the tour, or to purchase tickets, please visit the Celebrating the Return http://khyentsevisit2010.org /

(This announcement was from the Shambhala News Service)
