2010年3月4日 星期四


香巴拉世界竭誠歡迎頂果欽哲法王的轉世 - Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche 第三世頂果法王欽哲揚希 - 於今年展開他的首度國際弘法之旅。為此,The Sakyong Foundation 薩姜基金會,特別成立了專頁網站,護持法王欽哲揚希的教學活動。歡迎您到以下網站參閱詳情: Shambhala Community Celebrates and Supports the Unbroken Stream of Profound Teachings

香巴拉與前世頂果欽哲法王淵源甚深。邱陽創巴仁波切和法王的感人交誼,世上罕有(請參閱部落格前文:惺惺相惜)。在1987年創巴仁波切圓寂後,創巴的子嗣及法嗣薩姜米龐仁波切,更至尼泊爾追隨法王,從學數年之久(直至1992年法王入涅)。薩姜米龐仁波切曾形容頂果欽哲法王之慈暉:「如同是我的祖父一般。」因此,我們樂見法王的轉世 - 欽哲揚希仁波切,接續法教傳承之榮光,宏傳正法於普世蒼生之盛舉!



On behalf of the Sakyong and the entire Shambhala mandala, The Sakyong Foundation intends to offer a grant in support of Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche's first international tour. This gift will be offered with profound devotion and appreciation for the incalculable wisdom and compassion that emanated continuously from his predecessor, His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. To join the Sakyong and the Shambhala mandala in making this gift please visit the Foundation's Shambhala Community Offering webpage: http://www.sakyongfoundation.org/shambhala-community-celebrates /

Please take this opportunity to join in the worldwide celebration of His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse's life and teachings and welcome his incarnation, Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche, to his first international teaching tour. Events in each location will include an empowerment and teachings by Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche, talks by Rabjam Rinpoche and other eminent teachers who studied under His Holiness, a tour of sacred relics from Shechen, as well as a screening of a new film on the life of His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

For registration and further information:

USA: http://khyentsevisit2010.org
Canada (Vancouver): http://www.dilgokhyentsevancouver.ca
Mexico: http://www.shechen.org.mx
Europe and Asia: http://www.shechen.org Go to: "2010 Centennial Celebrations in Nepal Begin" on this site for European and Asian schedules; for international contacts write Vivian Kurz shechen@sprynet.co

North America: August
Aug 5 -- New York City
Aug 6-8 -- Pema Osel Do Ngak Choling, Vermont
Aug 13-15 -- Phuntsok Choling, Colorado
Aug 21-23 -- Vancouver, Canada
Aug 27-29 -- Mexico City, Mexico

(This announcement was from the Shambhala News Service)
