2008年5月25日 星期日


四川的大地震已經發生兩週了,緬甸的洪災也漸漸在媒體上失去蹤影。受苦的人們,依然掙扎著要站起來;而紛紛擾擾的世界,也持續其匆忙、軋轉的步調。我們對「無常」仍然一無所知;也依舊,讓生命泛泛空過... 在這一個善忘的世間裡,總有晶瑩可貴的人類相惜之情,在此時此刻,燦放著人性之光。

這一首詩是2001年我在紐約市身歷「9-11」事件的第二天寫下的。經歷過災變的人,會有些事,在心中銘記不忘——特別難忘的,是世事的空無本質,與人間大愛的真實溫馨。不知如何能安慰那些受盡失落之苦的人們... 願以此英文小詩的一點希望,與你們同在!

As Day Dawns

As day dawns,
As flowers are weeping
As stars are covered by smoke clouds,
As brothers, sisters are crying…
As bodies are torn,
As hearts are broken
As human beings are killing each other,
As love will never be ending.

And I will cry for you,
Searching for my family from the rubble
Searching for a diamond, golden goodness,
Searching for your smile and hug
And I will keep on searching,
From the beginningless time,
In every corner of the world
The shining quality of the human mind.

Hold my hand, dear sister,
Give me a kiss, dear brother.
As dark night seems longer,
We are together, we are together.
Let’s watch the morning star from ashore
Not too far, still bright.
Let the Shambhala warriors get on their horses, hold the banners of peace...
Let’s do something, as a bodhisattva…

圖文:蔡雅琴。寫於目擊 9-11 之後,2001年,紐約
