2008年5月10日 星期六




報名請洽:the Shambhala Online website. 可預先測試您的周邊配備如webcam and/or microphone麥克風等等。


We are delighted to announce that the Sakyong, Jamgon Mipham Rinpoche, will address the international Shambhala community online from the Kalapa Centre in Europe, on 11 May at 6 pm (Central European time), 1 pm Atlantic time, and 9 am Pacific time. The Sakyong will speak on "Mandala Principle".

The quality of online interaction between teacher and student is greatly enhanced when the student uses a webcam and/or microphone to interact with the teacher. We will offer training and test sessions in advance of the event for those of you who plan to use this equipment for this 11 May address.

With 200 possible computer connections, registration priority will be given to centres and groups. Further details will be posted, and registration will open soon on the Shambhala Online website.

(Sakyong's photo by James Hoagland. This announcement was from the Shambhala News Service.)
