2007年5月31日 星期四


這是一首邱陽創巴仁波切生前最喜歡的歌曲之一,歌辭是由十八世紀著名的蘇格蘭詩人羅伯特·本斯(Robert Burns)於1788年所寫的。創巴仁波切一生的富麗與苦辛,在這首歌中可略體會其端倪。仁波切經常鼓勵弟子,作一個真實的、有血有淚的學佛者,而不是一個乾縮、枯燥無情性的人;有時,在修行的期間,他見到弟子的嚴肅僵直,他就會勸導他們:「灑點眼淚吧,讓你的心柔軟一點。」面對人生的起落盈虧,種種變易無常,我們的心,只有隨著歲月、和實修,變得更為敏感、更為細膩、更為了然、也更珍重體貼吧。由於英文原辭非常優美,在此抄錄出來,保留而不作翻譯,和您共享生命的酸甜與苦樂:

The Winter It Is Past

The winter it is past and the summer's come at last,
And the small birds sing on every tree;
The little hearts are glad but mine is very sad,
For my lover is parted from me.

Oh the rose among the briar by the water running clear,
Has charms for the linnet and the bee;
Their little hearts are blessed but mine can know no rest,
For my lover is parted from me.

For my love is like the sun, in the firmament does run,
Forever constant and true;
But his is like the moon that wanders up and down,
And every month it is new.

All you who are in love and cannot it remove,
I pity the pains you endure:
For experience makes me know that your hearts are full of woe,
A woe that no mortal can cure.

(Photo by Yeachin Tsai)
