2008年3月19日 星期三




仁波切在致贈達賴喇嘛「現存世界的和平典範」之獎章時,曾這樣開示我們說:「憤怒激進往往看來像是解決一個問題之最直接和最便利的方法,但它根本上是不穩定、而且不持久的。和平則是基本地強壯和恆久... 和平不是某些人的選擇,而是對所有人都絕對必要的。這是人類、和我們地球前途的唯一之道。(Aggression often seems the most direct and expedient way to solve a problem but it is fundamentally unstable and will never last. Peace is fundamentally strong and long lasting... Peace is not a choice for some; it is imperative for all. It is the only way forward for humanity and our planet.)」

消息來源 from Shambhala News: Sakyong advises on practice in response to Tibetan protests

The Sakyong, Jamgon Mipham Rinpoche, has sent advice to the Shambhala community about responses to the Tibetan protests that have been taking place. He is currently at the New Treasures Monastery of His Eminence Namkha Drimed Rinpoche in Pharping, Nepal, where he will be in retreat for much of this month and next. From there, he sent guidance for our community.

Rinpoche wants us all to know that he has been following very closely the protests and disturbances in the Tibet Autonomous Region and areas in China with large Tibetan communities. In light of these events he would like to encourage everyone in the Shambhala community to offer prayers and practices for all those suffering in the Tibetan Autonomous Region, and in Qinghai and Sichuan provinces of western China. He requests that this be done in a spirit of touching in to the wisdom and compassion inherent in our common humanity, and aspiring for the cessation of all suffering.

This could be done individually by practitioners dedicating their regular practice in this way, and by including the whole situation and all involved, in their tonglen practice. It can be done at Shambhala Centres and groups by dedicating sitting practice, and tonglen, to this aspiration. Other practices, such as feasts, may also be dedicated in this way and include a period of tonglen with this profound aspiration.

