2008年3月24日 星期一


在達賴喇嘛的英文書:《寬恕的智慧》(The Wisdom of Forgiveness: Intimate Journeys and Conversations, by Dalai Lama, Chan Victor),他談到自己如何以自他相換法(Tonglen),來化解仇恨的毒害。這是一段非常發人深省的智慧之語,在此時此刻,似乎更形貼切實際:


“I use meditation technique called giving and taking,” the Dalai Lama explained. “I make visualization: send my positive emotions like happiness, affection to others. Then another visualization. I visualize receiving their sufferings, their negative emotions. I do this every day. I pay special attention to the Chinese — especially those doing terrible things to the Tibetans. So, as I meditate, I breathe in all their poisons — hatred, fear, cruelty. Then I breathe out. And I let all the good things come out, things like compassion, forgiveness. I take inside my body all these bad things. Then I replace poisons with fresh air. Giving and taking. I take care not to blame — I don’t blame the Chinese, and I don’t blame myself.”

照片取自《寬恕的智慧》(The Wisdom of Forgiveness: Intimate Journeys and Conversations, by Dalai Lama, Chan Victor)
