2012春(四月份),台北香巴拉將舉行「香巴拉訓練」第一階 Shambhala Training Level One,這前置課程:「香巴拉之道」- 是香巴拉佛教介紹課程,包括禪修、思惟修、與其他香巴拉法教基礎教示內容(日常生活中的禪修、知足、喜悅、無畏、和智慧)。「日常生活中的禪修」是第一課,共分兩次上課,每次三小時。開放大眾,歡迎與台北香巴拉小組一起現場上課。
線上指導教師:香巴拉學士教師 Shastri Holly Gayley
上課時間:Class 1: 台北時間一月廿九日,週日 January 29th, 9 AM - 12 PM
Class 2: 台北時間二月五日,週日 February 5th, 9 AM - 12 PM
1/29 & 2/5 香巴拉之道課程一:日常生活中的禪修
日常生活中的禪修是對禪修深入的探索,對於初學者和老參都有所助益。我們的重點將是在奢摩他(shamatha)的方法上(或又稱「寧靜安住」)──這能奠定我們靈修之道的基礎、並且是修行之各個層面不可或缺的一部分。在奢摩他中,我們訓練我們的心返回到當下的禪修對象。當我們聚集那在日常狀態裡分散的妄心,我們便可帶引出其固有的穩定性、清明、和效能。如此,我們在禪墊上的訓練,使我們能夠更加安住於生活、工作、親密關係之當下。學士教師 Holly Gayely 在兩次各三小時的網上課程中,將指導一系列的禪修、練習、與討論,協助我們澄清和完善奢摩他的方法,而使我們能更完整、完全地從事我們的修習與生活。這是「香巴拉之道」課程的第一課。
簡介學士 Shastri Holly Gayley(右圖):
香巴拉學士教師 Shastri Holly Gayley 任教於科羅拉多州州立大學宗教研習系所;她自1992年開始親近香巴拉社團,後並在各香巴拉山脈中心教授香巴拉相關課程。夏世崔 "Shastri"是「學士」之意;在香巴拉社群中是僅次於阿闍黎(Acharya,碩士)之層級的教師,皆由香巴拉總導師薩姜米龐仁波切所指派,在世界各地教授正統香巴拉法教。目前香巴拉國際共有三十餘位阿闍黎,與六十餘位夏世崔。
蔡雅琴 Yeachin Tsai, intrtpreter,是香巴拉國際翻譯委員會的成員;主編「香巴拉的覺悟世界」中文網誌;並翻譯、編輯了多本香巴拉中文佛書與禪佛教書籍 - 包括薩姜米龐仁波切之「統御你的世界」、邱陽創巴仁波切的經典作、與鈴木俊隆禪師之著作等。
建議課程費用:(小組)酌收美金25元(兩次課程);個人請酌情供養付費。歡迎視您個人能力資助Shambhala Online老師與工作人員,使線上教學持續地為亞洲信眾服務!
Preparation for Level 1 Shambhala Training - The Way of Shambhala - Meditation in Everyday Life
Location: Online
Teacher: Shastri Holly Gayley
The Way of Shambhala - Meditation in Everyday Life
Shastri Holly Gayley will lead this two-class course for the Taipei Shambhala Meditation Group, with simultaneous translation by Chinese Translator Yeachin Tsai, who is a member of the Shambhala International Translation Committees
Class 1: January 28th, 8 -11 PM Eastern time (Taipei time is January 29th, 9 AM - 12 PM).
Class 2: February 4th, 8 -11 PM Eastern time (Taipei time is February 5th, 9 AM - 12 PM).
Meditation in Everyday Life is an in-depth exploration of meditation practice for beginners and experienced practitioners alike. Our focus will be the technique of shamatha or "peaceful abiding, which lays the foundation for the spiritual path and remains an integral part of practice at every level. In shamatha, we train our mind to return to the present moment and object of meditation. As we gather the mind from its usual state of distraction, we bring out its inherent stability, clarity and potency. As a result, the training we do on the meditation cushion allows us to be more vitally present in our everyday lives, work and relationships. Over two three-hour sessions, Shastri Holly Gayely will lead a series of guided meditations, exercises, and discussions that help to clarify and refine the technique of shamatha, so that we can engage our meditation practice--and our lives--more fully. This is the first course in the Way of Shambhala.
Suggested donation fee: $25 - Generosity policy applies ~ you may pay less if necessary, or more if inspired to support Shambhala Online activities.
RECORDINGS: For those who cannot participate in the live broadcast, but wish to participate at a later time, there will be a streamed video recording (internet required) and a downloadable audio recording (internet not required) available after the program. If you would like to participate after the actual program, please follow the same registration procedure as for live participation.
Please contact shambhala.chinese@gmail.com for further registration details.