2008年9月22日 星期一


... 如果一個(香巴拉)勇士沒有感受到孤獨和悲傷,那麼他或她是很容易敗壞的。事實上,這樣的人可能完全不是一位勇士。要成為一名好勇士,一個人必須感覺到悲傷與孤獨,但同時,他也覺得富裕和豐沛,這使得勇士能夠敏銳於現象界的每一個面向:對於視覺、氣味、聲音和感覺等。從這個意義上來說,勇士也是一個藝術家,欣賞著世界上所生發的一切——一切都是極其生動的。你甲冑上沙沙作響的摩擦之聲、或雨水滴落在你外衣上的聲音,都非常響亮;也因為你是如此地敏感,偶而在你身畔翻飛的蝴蝶幾乎成了一種侮慢。



The Warrior Is Also an Artist

If the warrior does not feel alone and sad, then he or she can be corrupted very easily. In fact, such a person may not be a warrior at all. To be a good warrior, one has to feel sad and lonely, but rich and resourceful at the same time. This makes the warrior sensitive to every aspect of phenomena: to sights, smells, sounds, and feelings. In that sense, the warrior is also an artist, appreciating whatever goes on in the world. Everything is extremely vivid. The rustling of your armor or the sound of rain drops falling on your coat is very loud. The fluttering of occasional butterflies around you is almost an insult, because you are so sensitive.

From "Conquering Fear," in The Collected Works of Chogyam Trungpa, Volume Eight, pages 400-401.
