2008年9月4日 星期四


從九月份開始,Shambhala Online 香巴拉網上課程,會開始提供一個新的項目:「在網上:請問阿闍黎... 」,這是每次一小時的網路授課,您可以在註冊後,在網上直接與香巴拉阿闍黎討論什麼是香巴拉、香巴拉法教,以及個人佛法、修行上的相關問題。



第一堂課開始於九月十四日(台北、大陸時間九月十五日凌晨),由阿闍黎 Acharya Eve Rosenthal 談「自他相換」(TONGLEN)。Halifax time, Sunday, September 14, 2008 at 1:00:00 PM - Taipei (Taiwan), and China, Midnight between Sunday, September 14, and Monday, September 15, 2008. 歡迎參照「時區轉換器」。

Original News as followed:

Starting this September, Shambhala Online will offer a monthly online session with one of the Shambhala Acharyas. Titled, "Ask an Acharya...", these one hour online sessions will be an opportunity for you to have direct interaction with an acharya with questions about Shambhala, the dharma, your practice or anything else on your mind. Some sessions will be for specific topics and/or specific practice groups.

Each session will require you to register in advance. The suggested fee is $10 per person, and the generosity policy applies—you may pay less if necessary, or more if inspired to support Shambhala Online activities.

Participants may attend individually or as part of a group. You will need a high speed internet connection, and a camera and microphone if you wish to ask your questions "in person". Otherwise, questions may be submitted via "chat" (typing). Further instructions for your participation will be emailed to you once you have registered.

The inaugural session on Sunday, September 14th at 1 p.m. ADT (Atlantic Daylight Time) is Ask an Acharya about TONGLEN with Acharya Eve Rosenthal.

Please go to www.shambhalaonline.org for more information and to register.

(照片由左至右:香巴拉阿闍黎 Arawana Hayashi, Eve Rosenthal, and Judy Lief.)
