2009年9月20日 星期日


「和平的秋收」(Harvest of Peace)是香巴拉國際每年共聚一堂的重要盛會之一。在此聚會上,薩姜米龐仁波切與大眾演說,反觀過去,展望未來。今年九月二十日米龐仁波切在加拿大的多傑丹瑪林與弟子進行「蠍之印」(Scorpion Retreat)閉關,為不攪亂關場氛圍,仁波切特別於日前做了一場錄音開示,於今日供全球的香巴拉禪修團體共修播放聆聽。



“Peace is the only way that we are going to survive as a human race and planet. The Dorje Dradul had this in mind many years ago when he left India and came West. He had this wisdom and felt like it needed to be shared and propagated. Now, almost like a time capsule, these teachings have come about. And I feel that we ourselves as Shambhalians need to deepen what we have. We have a tremendous treasure trove of teachings, methods, and practices that we need to delve into.

At this time, it is obvious that the world will become more and more crowded. There’s more speed. There’s more anxiety. There’s more intensity. The tendency is to become less compassionate, less gentle, more aggressive, more prideful. So we are trying to counter that, saying that at the basic level, what has occurred is that human beings as a whole don’t trust their inherent basic goodness. The teachings and practice of warriorship emphasize that we need to be strong and see our own goodness and how we can share that with others. That is at the heart of the teachings. All of us, no matter what we are doing in our lives, need to understand that and feel that.

We actually have to reveal and manifest it. As Shambhalians, we have to ourselves be gentle, powerful, glorious warriors with a sense of celebration.“
