2010年7月5日 星期一


信仰作為一種未來承諾或獎賞的觀念,讓我想起那一些科學實驗:實驗中訓練老鼠在一定的時間進食。如果你以某種方式制約牠們,牠們做你要牠們做的事。然而,精神性修煉並非動物學之實習;佛陀或上帝並沒有把人類當作動物標本,或視為一個有趣的研習計劃。人是真實的...... 。當信仰基於「當下」的經驗、而不是對未來的證明,它是非常堅強穩固的。

選錄自邱陽創巴仁波切講(英文)大手印儀軌 的研讀材料“寒林地”一章,第68頁。

Faith Based on Now

The notion of faith as a future promise or a reward reminds me of those scientific experiments that train rats to eat at a certain time. If you program them in a certain way, they do what you want. But spiritual discipline is not particularly a zoological practice. Buddha or God doesn’t regard human beings as zoological specimens or as an interesting study program. People are real. . . . Faith is very solid when it is based on the experience of “now” rather than on future proof.

From “The Charnel Ground,” in The Sadhana of Mahamudra Sourcebook, page 68.
