薩姜(Sakyong)是香巴拉利格登王原則的具體示現;他的住世,賦予香巴拉勇士之道真實意義,也帶領著我們大步朝向一個覺醒、覺悟的社會前進。香巴拉總領袖薩姜米龐仁波切本人不僅是西藏佛教寧瑪、噶舉與香巴拉法教的傳承持有者,也是十九世紀大學者米龐仁波切(Ju Mipham)的轉世祖古。為此,我們真摯祈請大成就、大傳承者繼續強健安住,俾能教化眾生,利益苦難世間。
請您每日念誦薩姜米龐仁波切的長壽祈請文;除此之外,南卡竹美仁波切為薩姜專修上師長壽法(Tenshuk)- (藏音 brtan bzhugs),Ten 意指使安固、堅穩;shuk 是指長留人間。這是祈請上師堅固住世而修行的儀法。 香巴拉社團歡迎上網觀看:Shambhala Online
1) 努力依師囑修行不輟,並念誦薩姜米龐仁波切的長壽祈請文;
2) 親自或網上參加上師長壽法大典;
3) 在上師長壽法大典之時供養上師,以護持薩姜傳承綿延流長於世。並以我們的心與上師深摯相連結,如此,香巴拉正法將能經由薩姜而使之永存。
聆聽薩姜王母對為何要護持薩姜之閉關的開示, 點按此處,click here.
網上觀禮註冊,click here.
供養上師,click here.
理解何為香巴拉國際社團,click here.
(歡迎您閱讀那瀾陀翻譯委員Mr.Walker Blaine的專文,全文請見 Shambhala Time.)
The schedule for the Tenshuk has changed. The ceremony will now begin at 5:30am Atlantic (Halifax time), and Shambhala Online will begin its broadcast at that time. Centres and groups may log in as early as 5:15am Atlantic. His Eminence will arrive at 5:30am Atlantic to open proceedings ith the Amitayus (Buddha of Long Life) Sadhana. There will be a break about 6:30am Halifax time. The Sakyong will arrive at around 8am Atlantic.
Highlights of the day's events will be available to centres and groups as a streaming video recording. Please contact your centre or group for further information.
*Individual Messages: 歡迎您上網表達對薩姜長壽祈請、生日、及閉關的個人訊息,仁波切可以直接讀取,請參下列鏈結:
Many Shambhalians from all over the world are gathered in Halifax as physical testimony of their wishes for Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche's long life. We have opened several doors to gather the energy of the entire international mandala so you may make longevity aspirations and to express yourself to the Sakyong on this occasion. He will be receiving these messages directly.
Email Please email your birthday and Tenshuk messages to the Sakyong to TenshukMessages@gmail.com
Send pithy expressions through Twitter, by tweeting your message with the hashtag #Tenshuk. The Sakyong will even see your avatar.
Write your message on the Shambhala Times wall .