因應眾人的祈請,薩姜.米龐仁波切寫出了讓行者得以妥善預備死亡的香巴拉葬禮之儀軌,以及其修法:(藏文) Shing Kam, (英文) The Pure Realm of Shambhala 香巴拉淨土,使去世的香巴拉人得以超昇至香巴拉淨土;法本本身還包括了爪拉諸神與利格登王的圖像。此修法授權臨終之際的香巴拉人可唸誦《無畏之盔甲》The Armor of Fearlessness 之誦文。
有需要的香巴拉行者,請向您親近的香巴拉阿闍黎要求口傳 (lung) 。若有必要,也可通過電話接受口傳。
此外,薩姜.米龐仁波切先前也寫出為病者受病苦時修行專用的法本:Amrita, The Cure 甘露靈藥
27 Apr 2011 - Sakyong offers Shambhala funeral ceremony, practice to prepare for death
In response to numerous supplications, the Sakyong has composed a Shambhala funeral ceremony, as well as a practice to prepare for death. Shing Kam, The Pure Realm of Shambhala specifically connects deceased Shambhalians with the pure realm (Shing Kam) of Shambhala. It includes imagery of dralas and the Rigdens. The practice entitled The Armor of Fearlessness may be chanted by Shambhalians who are nearing death.The funeral ceremony and practice are now available for use. They were offered by the Sakyong to the acharyas at their recent retreat and are among many texts that the Sakyong has recently composed. At this point, a reading transmission (lung) is required for both texts. Shastris will receive this lung from the acharyas. It may be received over the phone when necessitated by geography.
(This announcement was from the Shambhala News Service)