2011年4月4日 星期一



在今天,所有香巴拉人,都會共修並緬懷仁波切的事蹟與精神。回想仁波切真摯渡生的善巧、慈心、所受的苦障,與其永無止境的喜悅菩提智慧,...... 一切點滴在心頭。

在香巴拉法教回流至東方之後,中文世界的香巴拉人也逐漸地對創巴仁波切與香巴拉有了較多的瞭解,因而明白此一教法切合時代機緣的重要性。在此,與您分享這一段由薩姜米龐仁波切之親弟格薩.木克坡所製作的創巴仁波切生平照片集錦。請注意所有圖片資料版權屬於 Shambhala Archives。配樂為 "One" - by Johnny Cash (written by Bono/U2)。

點按:Chögyam Trungpa - Tribute 2011

A slideshow in tribute to Tibetan master Chögyam Trungpa. Born 1939 in a tent on the plains of tibet he died April 4th 1987 in Canada leaving behind a legacy of meditation centers and Buddhist publications. 

Music and images used under fair use for educational purposes
. Music: One - Johnny Cash (written by Bono/U2). 
Photos: By a multitude including the Shambhala Archives; copyright materials.

歡迎也到《創巴仁波切編年誌》Chronicles of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche 觀賞以下相關影片、薩姜之紀念詩歌、與特別報導(英文。請點按藍字鏈結):

A letter from Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche

Vintage Chronicles from April 2007

Ice in Halifax Harbour

Vintage Chronicles from April 2006
