2010年5月18日 星期二


佛在你心中,這是一個信仰的象徵:你可以是完美無暇的、最完善的,正如釋迦牟尼佛一般。這種可能性已經於你之中存在... 在此情況下,信仰與向某人祈禱無關;信仰是一種尊嚴感。基督教神秘主義者艾克哈 (Meister Eckhart) 談到信仰即覺醒的意義:處於當下,對現實情境專注正念、並保持醒覺。信仰是如實見到事物之本然——不管它們是什麼——精確,直接,沒有任何的猶豫。

大手印儀軌 的研讀材料“寒林地”一章,第67頁。

Faith is Being Awake

Buddha in your heart is a symbol of faith: you could be immaculate and perfect, as perfect as Shakyamuni Buddha himself. That possibility already exists in you. . . . In this case, faith has nothing to do with praying to somebody. Faith is a sense of dignity. The Christian mystic Meister Eckhart talks about faith in the sense of being awake: being present and mindful and aware of the situation. Faith is seeing things as they are—whatever that might be—precisely, directly, and without any hesitation.

From “The Charnel Ground,” in The Sadhana of Mahamudra Sourcebook, page 67.

