邱陽創巴仁波切在北美弘揚佛法的短短十年間,他日以繼夜、從不休歇地時時教化眾生,因此,在他於1987年圓寂後,共留下了約1500捲的傳法、教學錄音帶。仁波切生前的開示,在世之時便已編輯為十數本叢書;近年來,其親近之弟子也從這龐大的智慧法海中辛勤地編纂出更多的好書 - 現在介紹的這本創巴新書《對恐懼微笑 - 覺醒勇敢的真實心》(Smile at Fear: Awakening the True Heart of Bravery),便是由香巴拉出版社資深編輯 Mrs. Carolyn Rose Gimian 所統整的一本佳作!
讀者可以到以下亞馬遜網站閱讀此書的部份內容。從左側"Look Inside"點入,您便可進入書目部份。請點按此鏈結:《對恐懼微笑 - 覺醒勇敢的真實心》
Trungpa offers us a vision of moving beyond fear to discover the innate bravery, trust, and delight in life that lies at the core of our being. Drawing on the Shambhala Buddhist teachings, he explains how we can each become a spiritual warrior: a person who faces every moment with openness and fearlessness. In language that is fresh, accessible, and startlingly direct—this book explains:
• how the practice of sitting meditation can help us to uncover our inherent confidence and bravery,
• how fear and embarrassment about ourselves keep us trapped in cycles of suffering,
• the wisdom of loving kindness and nonaggression,
• how true invincibility depends on becoming more open and vulnerable.
Shambhala Publications: http://www.shambhala.com/html/catalog/items/isbn/978-1-59030-696-3.cfm