2009年6月23日 星期二



When we begin to realize that the nature of phenomena is free from concept, empty by itself, that the chairs and tables and rugs and curtains and walls are no longer in the way, then we can expand our notion of love infinitely. There is nothing in the way. The very purpose of discussing the nature of shunyata is to provide us that emptiness, so that we could fill the whole of space with a sense of affection - love without expectation, without demand, without possessions. That is one of the most powerful things that the mahayana has to contribute.

英文原版摘自邱陽創巴仁波切所著,Training the Mind and Cultivating Loving-Kindness, P.14;中文版請參照《當野馬遇見馴師—修心與慈觀》,鄭振煌中譯,知識領航出版。
