2009前半年香巴拉網上課程大略如下(另外有隨時加入、開放大眾的不定期課程;歡迎注意本刊之報導)。請參照網站 Shambhala Online website:
A preview of the programming that is confirmed for the next five months follows. Please check the Shambhala Online website frequently for new offerings, complete details, and to register.
January 2009:
那諾六法(限制參加之資格;只有被授權者方能參加)Conversations on the Four Root Dharmas, a series of four discussions for practitioners of the Six Dharmas of Naropa, with the Dorje Loppon Lodro Dorje, Ashe Acharya John Rockwell, Ms Elizabeth Callahan and Ms Susan Chapman. 12, 18, 26 January and 1 February. Larger centres such as Boulder, Halifax and New York may have enough people to offer a group showing.
禪修學生之問題(限制參加之資格,只開放給香巴拉禪修指導老師)Ask an acharya about your difficult meditation students, with Acharya Eric Spiegel. 25 January. This session is for meditation instructors, assistant directors and shambhala guides.
March 2009:
金剛亥母修法(限制參加之資格)Ask an acharya about vajrayogini practice, with Acharya Jenny Warwick. 1 March. Centres and groups may wish to schedule a Vajrayogini practice intensive on this day (or weekend), and go online for this talk and opportunity to ask questions.
四加行修法(限制參加之資格)Ask an acharya about ngondro practice, with Acharya Eric Spiegel. 8 March. Again, centres and groups may decide to schedule a ngondro practice intensive on this day (or weekend), and go online for the talk and questions and answers.
April 2009:
在網上請問阿闍黎(開放大眾)Ask an Acharya with Acharya David Schneider. Topic to be announced. 5 April. Open to all.
沃瑪閉關週末(限制參加之資格)Werma weekend, with Ashe Acharya John Rockwell. 11-12 April. Centres are encouraged to schedule a Werma sadhana weekend intensive, and tune in for talks and questions and answers. These talks will be scheduled to suit North American and European time zones (mornings on Pacific coast, evenings in Europe).
進入金剛乘的世界(限制參加之資格)Entering the Vajra World, with Ashe Acharya John Rockwell. Live presentations 18 - 19 April. This course is a pre-requisite for Vajrayana seminary and is meant only for those who have applied and already received acceptance letters for seminary (or have attended seminary already). The course will include a combination of recorded talks given in 2008, as well as this live program on 18-19 April, which will focus mostly on the providing further instruction on the Rain of Blessings practice.
在網上請問阿闍黎關於愛的真諦(開放大眾)Ask an acharya about romantic love, with Acharya Judith Simmer Brown. 26 April. Open to all.
May 2009:
在網上請問阿闍黎關於獨自閉關修行(開放大眾)Ask an acharya about solitary retreat, with Acharya Eve Rosenthal. 17 May. Open to all.
Please consult our Shambhala Online coordinator, Heather Scott, with questions: heather@shambhalaonline.org
4 則留言:
蠻驚訝的 香巴拉教法中也有如此之教授 請問這教授是屬於香巴拉傳承嗎? 是否是尊貴的 米龐仁波切所教授? 四加行的內容是屬於何者的傳承?
極殊勝!不禁生出一點『求勝菩提心渴仰』的情懷 有何管道能親近此傳承呢? 是否在美國才有機會領受此教法 非常嚮往香巴拉傳承