2008年1月25日 星期五


「狂智」——邱陽創巴仁波切的生命及時代(Crazy Wisdom: The Life & Times of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche)——期待經年的邱陽創巴仁波切傳記,終於由他的一位學生,電影工作者 Johanna Demetrakas 開始募款製作。


這部片子將以周全、多面的角度,真誠無飾地介紹邱陽創巴仁波切生命樣貌。欲了解更詳細的資料和影片的預告片,請到:「狂智」——邱陽創巴仁波切傳記 參閱。(請按影片左下角黑色三角形 Play 按鈕開始觀賞)。歡迎您的贊助支持使這部意義深長的影片能順利竣工。Please email Johanna at: CrazyWisdomFilms@yahoo.com

Johanna Demetrakas: "(Trungpa) Rinpoche is perhaps the most influential author on meditation, mind training and Buddhism -- twenty years after his death, his books sell in the hundreds of thousands of copies. His teaching and ideas have spread considerably beyond spiritual life, influencing theater, the visual arts, mental health care, business management, gerontology, and hospice work. By tracing Chogyam Trungpa's life, his art, and his unconventional teaching mode, the film will find a mirror that reflects the influence of Tibetan Buddhist philosophy on modern American culture.

Trungpa Rinpoche confounded expectations of what a holy teacher should be: even the Tibetan hierarchy was shaken when he renounced his monastic vows to better communicate with westerners beyond their preconceptions. He meant it when he said "I'll do anything to wake people up." Trungpa created a powerful experiential learning environment, never spoon-feeding students. His talks weren't about the magic and mystery of Tibet, they focused more on the Battles of the Ego; he often answered a question with a new question, thrown back to the student for them to figure out themselves."

A website about the project is in production. If you are interested in contacting Johanna and supporting the production financially, kindly contact her at < CrazyWisdomFilms@yahoo.com >

2008年1月14日 星期一





這是一系列故事的第一個。以後會陸續介紹其他關於創巴仁波切早年行誼的故事。This first story from Karseng Rinpoche is about a dream encounter that Trungpa Rinpoche had with Mao Zedong when he was about eight years old.

2008年1月13日 星期日






14 Jan 2008 - Online don season teachings by the Sakyong 27 January 2008
"Dons" refer to sudden attacks of depression, resentment, anger, or other negative emotions -- like an unpredictable flu that takes us over. In the last 10 days before the Tibetan Buddhist New Year, it is said that one can be more susceptible to dons, so it is a particularly good time to hear teachings about working with obstacles.

The Sakyong will give live, real-time teachings on this topic on Sunday 27 January at 1 pm Atlantic time (9 am Pacific, 10 am Mountain, 12 noon Eastern). The teachings will be open to all. Since there are only 200 computer connections we encourage everyone to participate with their local group when possible, rather than individually.

We are currently setting up the registration site, and working out how to collect donations online so that participants may offer teaching gifts and support the development and improvement of Shambhala Online events. The registration site will be operational by Thursday 17 January at the latest. Please go to www.shambhalaonline.org Click Here to register.

The suggested donation is $5 per person for groups, and $20 for people participating individually. The generosity policy applies for individuals/groups who are unable to contribute that much, or those who can contribute more(可視您經濟狀況隨喜供養). For further description of the fee policy, please go to www.shambhalaonline.org/index.php?id=5000 Click Here

2008年1月12日 星期六




(請在畫面上移動滑鼠;之後按下黑色三角形 play按鈕)

2008年1月10日 星期四



Shambhala Taipei would like to invite you for a day of meditation on Saturday, January 19.

Please feel free to join us.

地點:北市仁愛路四段426號3樓 (光復南路口)日月書院。捷運站:國父紀念館3號出口



2008年1月8日 星期二


在前一封寄給香巴拉國際所有信眾的信發出之後,這幾天我陸續收到一些非常溫暖的、鼓勵的信件。我希望在此能把香巴拉世界對台北禪修小組的支持之意,稍稍轉達給各位;他們對薩姜的願景視見多所認同,對亞洲中文世界香巴拉的發展更是樂見其成。其中來自科羅拉多州博德市的 Mr. Steve Troy 更慨然捐獻了巨幅嶄新的香巴拉旗幟——東方大日旗幟,給台北香巴拉禪修小組!他已經劃撥訂購了該旗,如果一切程序順利的話,希望二月中我能將這充滿愛心和光輝的香巴拉大日旗幟帶到台北!



Dear Noble Sangha:

In the past few days I have received an overwhelming response to my request for ornaments for the Taipei Shambhala Meditation Group. I want to thank you all for your heartwarming letters, your support and interest, and, most of all, thank you so much for your generosity! I am sure the merit you have accumulated here will benefit the spread of the teachings in Asia.

Today Mr. Steve Troy from Boulder has generously ordered a Great Eastern Sun flag from the Shambhala Shop. Some other sangha members have expressed their intention to send books and shrine photos. Donations are still welcome if you wish to contribute.

I will bring donated items to Taipei in February. Thank you very much for your early responses. If you want to see some photos of the Shambhalians in Taipei, Please go to our web blog: http://shambhalachinese.blogspot.com/

May all benefit!

Yours in the Great Eastern Sun Vision,
Yeachin Tsai

(Photos: Taipei Shambhala Meditation Group; some of the members and the shrine room. Below: March, 2007, Sakyong Mipaham Rinpoche gave a workshop "Ruling Your World" in Taipei; Shambhala Europe loaned us the big size banner to adorn the lecture hall.)

2008年1月6日 星期日


Dear Noble Sangha:

Last Spring, the Sakyong visited Asia on his second book tour. He was warmly received in Singapore and Taipei, and soon after, meditation groups formed in both cities. They have been meeting regularly since then. The Sakyong's trip is reported in more detail here: http://shambhala.org/community/sns/index.php?id=273

This February, 2008, Acharya Arawana Hayashi will visit the Seoul and Taipei meditation groups to present Shambhala Buddhism teachings. The locations are decided, and much preparation work is in process.

On behalf of the Taipei Meditation Group, I am writing to ask for donations of a large or medium size Great Eastern Sun Banner, or Four Dignities banner, new or used (in good condition). The idea is to have a Shambhala banner to adorn Acharya's talks, and then offer it to the Taipei Meditation Group as a gift from the greater sangha. In addition, if you have spare shrine photos, thangkas, rupas, Shambhala books, videos, or CDs, or other gifts that you would like to offer, they would be greatly appreciated.

The Meditation Group in Taipei is still small in size, but they have been practicing, gathering, and discussing the Shambhala teachings every week for half year. However, as a small group, it still needs support. They are part of the Shambhala Mandala now, and they are very proud of that.

I am an artist from Taiwan. I would like to offer one giclee print of my work to any donor who donates a banner or other notable gift. You can choose here: http://everydayink.blogspot.com/search/label/print%3A%20giclee%20prints

Please contact me for further arrangements. My email address is: yeachin@gmail.com

Again, I want to thank you for your generosity. By bringing the Shambhala teachings back to Asia, I sincerely believe that we will greatly benefit the whole world.

May all be auspicious!

Chinese Translator,
Yeachin Tsai

2008年1月5日 星期六




(圖片:薩姜與薩姜王母,康卓次央。The Sakyong with his wife, Khandro Tseyang. Photo by James Hoagland. Chinese poem by Yeachin Tsai.)

2008年1月2日 星期三


2007年三月,創巴仁波切早期的藝術家弟子之一的 Mr. Jack Niland 在紐約香巴拉中心作了一場精彩絕倫的創巴仁波切「法藝」(Dharma Art)的介紹和研習——度母現身(Being Tara)。Mr. Niland 跟隨創巴仁波切多年,曾得到創巴仁波切親自傳授如何繪製唐卡、書寫藏文、和其他種種香巴拉旗徽的製作設計。他並私人擁有許多創巴仁波切手繪的素描草稿真蹟。尊貴的邱陽創巴仁波切乃是當代藏傳佛教之大成就者,其簡單幾筆的線條,卻都顯現精確、超凡的禪定力量,和遊戲自如的無限空間感。筆者的先生 Mr. Jeff Wigman 參與了整個長達兩小時的演講幻燈片網頁製作,過程中我們有幸親手觸摸那些略微泛黃的紙片真蹟,並聽 Mr. Niland 娓娓道來與創巴仁波切之間的種種生動故事… 對仁波切不可思議的境界和遠見,有了更深一層的領受。

這些藝術原作圖片,版權歸屬於創巴仁波切的遺孀 ©Lady Diana J. Mukpo,承蒙她的首肯而製作。任何方式的使用須經香巴拉授權同意;請勿擅自引用。

請到以下網址觀看這場不可錯過的幻燈介紹(點按三角形按鈕)。請注意:雖然是兩小時的材料,但已編輯成許多小段落、主題,你可以隨時停下來、或重複聆聽觀賞:邱陽創巴仁波切法藝作品  https://www.chronicleproject.com/being-tara/

第二到第四段:Mr. Niland 講述他與創巴仁波切在七○年代邂逅的有趣事蹟,以及他如何在仁波切的指導下製作藝術設計。
第五到第十一段:Mr. Niland 談到他自創巴仁波切處所領受之教法的富裕和深度。運用他手邊第一手的圖像資料,作了更進一步的法藝教法之介紹。
第十二到第十四段:Mr. Niland 描述現實世界中的法藝原則。

