在前一封寄給香巴拉國際所有信眾的信發出之後,這幾天我陸續收到一些非常溫暖的、鼓勵的信件。我希望在此能把香巴拉世界對台北禪修小組的支持之意,稍稍轉達給各位;他們對薩姜的願景視見多所認同,對亞洲中文世界香巴拉的發展更是樂見其成。其中來自科羅拉多州博德市的 Mr. Steve Troy 更慨然捐獻了巨幅嶄新的香巴拉旗幟——東方大日旗幟,給台北香巴拉禪修小組!他已經劃撥訂購了該旗,如果一切程序順利的話,希望二月中我能將這充滿愛心和光輝的香巴拉大日旗幟帶到台北!
Dear Noble Sangha:
In the past few days I have received an overwhelming response to my request for ornaments for the Taipei Shambhala Meditation Group. I want to thank you all for your heartwarming letters, your support and interest, and, most of all, thank you so much for your generosity! I am sure the merit you have accumulated here will benefit the spread of the teachings in Asia.
Today Mr. Steve Troy from Boulder has generously ordered a Great Eastern Sun flag from the Shambhala Shop. Some other sangha members have expressed their intention to send books and shrine photos. Donations are still welcome if you wish to contribute.
I will bring donated items to Taipei in February. Thank you very much for your early responses. If you want to see some photos of the Shambhalians in Taipei, Please go to our web blog: http://shambhalachinese.blogspot.com/
May all benefit!
Yours in the Great Eastern Sun Vision,
Yeachin Tsai
(Photos: Taipei Shambhala Meditation Group; some of the members and the shrine room. Below: March, 2007, Sakyong Mipaham Rinpoche gave a workshop "Ruling Your World" in Taipei; Shambhala Europe loaned us the big size banner to adorn the lecture hall.)