2010年2月26日 星期五


密續之道徑就像是走在一條迂迴蜿蜒的山路上。危險、困難和問題不斷出現,道上充滿野獸、地震、山崩,種種干擾的物事,但我們還是繼續我們的旅程,並能超越所有障礙。當我們終於到達山峰之頂,我們不慶祝自己的勝利,與其在峰頂插上一面大旗,我們再次下望,見到那山巒、河流、草原、森林、叢林與平原的廣闊視野。一旦我們站在山巔之上,我們開始往下看,我們感覺被自己見到的全景圖性質所吸引;此即大圓滿 (ati),或究竟之法。由此見地,我們的成就並不被視為是最終的,而是重新賞識我們的過程經歷。事實上,我們意欲再度走上那已經通過了的旅程。

摘譯自創巴仁波切經典袖珍版 The Pocket Chogyam Trungpa,第九十六條。

The View from the Summit

The tantric journey is like walking along a winding mountain path. Dangers, obstacles, and problems occur constantly. There are wild animals, earthquakes, landslides, all kinds of things, but still we continue on our journey and we are able to go beyond the obstacles. When we finally get to the summit of the mountain, we do not celebrate our victory. Instead of planting our national flag on the summit of the mountain, we look down again and see a vast perspective of mountains, rivers, meadows, woods, jungles, and plains. Once we are on the summit of the mountain, we begin to look down, and we feel attracted toward the panoramic quality of what we see. That is ati, or ultimate, style. From that point of view, our achievement is not regarded as final but as a re-appreciation of what we have already gone through. In fact, we would like to retake the journey we have been through.

From The Pocket Chogyam Trungpa, number 96.

編者誌:這本"創巴仁波切經典袖珍版" The Pocket Chogyam Trungpa,一共收錄了一百零八條邱陽創巴仁波切就香巴拉法教各面向的精要開示;由其早期弟子 Carolyn Rose Gimian 編錄成書。請點閱該書鏈結。

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這是 創巴仁波切所開示的嗎,還是弟子的描述?

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這本"創巴仁波切經典袖珍版" The Pocket Chogyam Trungpa,一共收錄了一百零八條邱陽創巴仁波切就香巴拉法教各面向的精要開示;由其早期弟子Carolyn Rose Gimian編錄成書。請參閱: http://www.shambhala.com/html/catalog/items/isbn/978-1-59030-643-7.cfm