2012年5月5日 星期六




As the world now faces seemingly insurmountable challenges, our future is at a crossroads. Never has there been a more poignant time for us to hear the message of basic goodness. Many of the issues that we encounter, personally and societally, concern the very notion of human nature.


Therefore, reflecting on humanity's basic goodness can no longer be simply a personal contemplation; it must now be a global one. It is no longer a time when the future can be decided by one person, or even a few individuals. Rather, as a global society, we must pause and reflect on this essential theme: who are we, and what are we doing? This is the meaning of Earth Day. It is a time when humanity can reflect on who we are and how we might move forward.

因此,反思人類的本初善(basic goodness)不再僅只是一個簡單的個人思惟修習;現今,它必然是全球性的。這不再是那由一個人、甚或少數人來決定未來的時刻。更確切的說,作為一個全球性的社會,我們必須暫停一下,仔細反思此一基本主題:我們是誰,我們正在做什麼?這即是「世界地球日」的意義。此時,人類可以反省出我們自己的本位,以及我們能夠如何往前邁進。

Therefore, I encourage everyone to take a moment on this Earth Day to reflect on human nature and basic goodness. Then, reflect on how you personally are participating in the global society. As Shambhalians, we have the ability to help shift the global culture from one of doubt and aggression, to one of trust and kindness. It is time for us all to engage in this endeavor, both personally and socially.


To make such a shift is the very notion of enlightened society. Rather than letting challenges overwhelm us, let them incite our warrior heritage of bravery. In this way, Earth Day can be a new dawning of the sun of human goodness. 


With blessings and aspirations for the world to be free of plague, famine, and war -- and for peace and harmony to be all-victorious,


The Sakyong

