雖然世事多變、人生無常,但今生我們有緣在此一起修學自利利人的香巴拉法教,是多麼值得高興的一件事!讓我們一起歡慶:香巴拉日! Happy Losar!
Please join us on Shambhala Day, Thursday 7 February
Jan 24, 2008
You are warmly invited to join in this year's Shambhala Day practices and festivities at your local group or centre or wherever you are on the day.Shambhala Day is on Thursday 7 February this year. It promises to be a
day of celebration and generosity with practitioners, friends and families.
The Sakyong will be addressing the international mandala live from Halifax.
The day will begin at most centres with the community practice of the "Elixir of Life" (often known as the "Birthday Sadhana"). There will also be a showing of the latest Shambhala Day film. The half-hour Year in Review includes coverage of the fantastic work being done by the archives, the Royal Treasures of Shambhala, to preserve the Vidyadhara's teachings; reports from the Shambhala Congress in Cologne; the wedding festivities of the Sakyong and Khandro-la in India; the pilgrimage to Wu Tai Shan; The Kalapa Festival; and the award of the Congressional Gold Medal to His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
(Earth Mouse Year - 土鼠年 - Painting by Yeachin Tsai)