2010年1月27日 星期三



摘錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《突破修道上的唯物》 Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism。繆樹廉原譯。

"If you become too self-conscious in creating a work of art, then it ceases to be a work of art. When masters of art are completely absorbed in their work, they produce masterpieces, not because they are aware of their teachers, but because they become completely absorbed in the work. They do not question, the just do it. They produce the right thing quite accidentally."

~ By Trungpa Rinpoche, Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism

圖說:書法圖像由薩姜米龐仁波切(Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche)所作,這是香巴拉法藝(Dharma Art)的象徵。方形代表地,圓圈代表水,半圓形代表火,三角形是風,中間通常是一點,此處,薩姜米龐仁波切以香巴拉伏藏法的種子字「阿謝」(Ashe),與「阿」(Ah) 取代。
