Purpose: To reverse our habit of wanting all the good things for us and hoping all the bad things go away.
自他相換法的目的: 逆轉我們那種「想要得到好的事物, 希望不好的事物都走開」的習慣。
Make us much more brave.
In this practice, we are sending out our bodhicitta, our goodness, and taking in the suffering, fear and claustrophobia.
在這個修法中, 我們把我們的菩提心和美善送出去, 把痛苦、恐懼和幽閉感吸收進來。
When we breathe out, we are sending out white, light, and cool; and when we breathe in, we are taking in dark, heavy and hot (and constricted) qualities.
當我們呼氣的時候, 我們把潔白、輕盈/輕鬆自在、清涼的質地放送出去;吸氣的時候, 我們把黑暗、沈重、炎熱和束縛的質地吸取進來。
Stage I 第一階段:
We begin with flashy absolute bodhicitta - a moment of openness.
Absolute bodhicitta - emptiness, openness, vastness.
We all have glimpses of open awareness. The buddha mind is always open, and we all have buddha mind. So, when we are relaxed, sometimes our mind is just open and free.
我們常常會有對「開放之覺知(覺性)」的一瞥。佛心永遠是開放的, 而我們都具有佛心。此故,當我們放鬆的時候, 有時我們的心是開放而自由的。
Here we try to be open, be connected with buddha nature.
在此我們試著開放, 與佛性相連結。
Stage II 第二階段:
Start sending and taking using the breathing.
開始配合呼吸, 做送出、和吸入的修習。
Breathe out white, light, cool, fresh atmosphere, and breathe in black, heavy, hot atmosphere.
呼出白色/潔白、輕盈/輕鬆、清涼、清新的氣息氣氛, 吸進黑色/黑暗、沈重、炎熱的氣氛。
Stage III 第三階段:
We bring to our mind somebody we know who needs our help, someone who's suffering that we know. (Or it could be an animal.)
我們想及某個正在受苦的人,我們認識的、需要得到幫助的人 (或者動物也可)。
We send out to that person peacefulness, white, openness, care, refreshing qualities.
呼氣時, 我們把和平安寧、潔白、開放、關愛、清爽的質地送出去給那個人。
And when we breathe in, we take in their suffer, take away their fear, anxiety, pain or claustrophobia.
吸氣時, 我們把他(們)的苦難吸進來, 取走他們的恐懼、焦慮、痛苦或幽閉感。
We have a heart big enough to be able to be with that and help that person and take on their suffering.
我們有足夠廣大的心(量), 能夠處在那個情況, 幫助那個人, 並承受他們的痛苦。
Stage IV 第四階段:
We continue sending out good, light, freshness, and taking in dark, suffering, but we do it generally for everybody, for the whole planet, not just for that particular situation.
我們繼續送出好的、輕鬆的、清新的氛圍, 以及吸取進黑暗、苦難的氛圍。但這次的對象是普及所有人、全世界、全地球, 而不只限於剛剛那個特定的情況。
There is no solid self, solid me. So we can afford to be very generous and open.
(佛陀教導說, )實無有一個堅實的自己、堅實的「我」。所以我們的確有能力變得心胸非常地廣大、開放.
1. One-minute shamatha.
2. Having a moment of open bodhicitta
3. Alternating with the breathing: sending out white, light, cool, and bringing in dark, heavy and hot.
配合呼吸交替: 呼送出潔白、輕鬆自在、清涼, 以及吸進來黑暗、沈重、炎熱等。
(Eyes can be close or open.)
4. Bring to the mind the particular person, situation, family or animal that is suffering.
Give to them healing (soothing), courage, kindness, relief from suffering. Draw in their suffering, pain.
You can do it for yourself also.
Taking in what usually we do not want.
5. Extend to all beings.
[結束時:領眾者連續敲引磬、漸漸密集、終止[最後三擊:中度敲擊-輕擊-重擊] (A double rolldown on the gong, ending with a full stop [medium-soft-loud].)
6. Shamatha for a while.
This practice is similar to windhorse, because it cuts away our self-absorption.
這種修行與風馬的修習法有其相同點, 因為它能斷除我們的自我耽溺。
編者小註:自他相換法(Tonglen,也翻譯為施受法)目前在坊間佛書中多可見到。本文摘譯自2/20/2008 - 香巴拉阿闍黎 Arawana Hayashi 傳授給台北香巴拉禪修小組「自他相換法」講座上的詳細教導。筆記整理:台北香巴拉禪修小組楊茗旭居士;現場口譯及補充說明:蔡雅琴。建議讀者應由具德上師處得到親傳、了解細節後再修習此法。
另外一個非常簡單、有效的,香巴拉阿闍黎佩瑪丘卓對「自他相換法」Tonglen 的指導:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwqlurCvXuM
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