2010年3月9日 星期二



創巴仁波切經典袖珍版。這本"創巴仁波切經典袖珍版" The Pocket Chogyam Trungpa,共收錄了一百零八條邱陽創巴仁波切就香巴拉法教各面向的精要開示;由其早期弟子 Carolyn Rose Gimian 編纂成書。請點閱該書鏈結瀏覽部份內容。

A Tradition of Openness

Taking the bodhisattva vow to help others implies that, instead of holding our own individual territory and defending it tooth and nail, we become open to the world that we are living in. It means we are willing to take on greater responsibility, immense responsibility. In fact, it means taking a big chance. But taking such a chance is not false heroism or personal eccentricity. It is a chance that has been taken in the past by millions of bodhisattvas, enlightened ones, and great teachers. So a tradition of responsibility and openness has been handed down from generation to generation, and now we too are participating in the sanity and dignity of this tradition.

From The Pocket Chögyam Trungpa. Compiled and edited by Carolyn Rose Gimian.
