2010年3月8日 星期一

香巴拉網上禪修課程 - 歡迎參加!

禪修是人類自然的心性狀態 - 它是安止、開放、與覺醒的。基本禪修是各種精神性靈修的基礎法門。一個平穩而持續的禪修訓練,有助於此心的放鬆與敞開;它更可以使我們本具的溫暖、清明與內見呈顯現出。


本堂課開始於美加時間三月二十日、二十一日下午二時(台灣、大陸時間三月二十一日、二十二日上午一時),由香巴拉阿謝阿闍黎 Ashe Acharya John Rockwell 現場介紹、引導禪坐修行;內容包括詳細指導、實修及問答(英語教學)。歡迎參照「時區轉換器」確認您當地的授課時間。

Ashe Acharya John Rockwell 是由香巴拉總導師薩姜米龐仁波切所指派的大阿闍黎;他負責總監督香巴拉法教之研修與教育部門。他是邱陽創巴仁波切早期的弟子之一,也是那瀾陀翻譯委員會的主要成員。他修行、閉關、推動香巴拉法教經年,是一位我們極為敬愛的老師。

Meditation is a natural state of the human mind - at rest, open, alert. The basic meditation technique is simple and predates all religious traditions. Undertaken as a steady practice, meditation allows the mind to relax and the heart to open. It encourages our inherent qualities of warmth, clarity and insight to emerge.

Ashe Acharya John Rockwell leads a weekend introduction to meditation practice, including detailed instruction and a chance to ask questions and interact in real time.

DATES: Saturday, March 20 and Sunday, March 21, 2010
TIME: 2 PM Atlantic (Halifax, NS time). Each online session will be approximately 90 minutes in length.
COST: $35 per person, $25 per person if part of a group. Generosity policy applies ~ you may pay less if necessary, or more if inspired to support Shambhala Online activities(請視己力交費,可多可少).
TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: A computer with a wired, high speed internet connection. A webcam and/or microphone are best but people may simply type any questions or comments if they do not have this equipment.
RECORDING: For those who cannot participate in the live broadcast, but wish to participate at a later time, there will be a streamed video recording (internet required) and a downloadable audio recording (internet not required) available after the program. If you would like to participate after the actual program, please follow the same registration procedure as for live participation.

For more information and to register for this program, please go to our website. 開放大眾,歡迎您報名參加!
