2010年2月4日 星期四


這世界有成千上萬的人都需要你的幫助,這使你感到悲傷,非常地悲傷...... 各位女士、先生們,這悲哀就是一個關鍵。因為你是如此地哀傷,在你腦後,你可聽到那長笛演奏優美的樂音;但同時,此悲哀的旋律又讓你振奮起來...... 儘管你憂傷且身心交瘁,有一些美好的事物卻發生了。那裡頭帶有一點兒微笑,也有些許美麗。在香巴拉的世界裡,我們稱之為勇敢 (daringness),在佛教的語言中,我們稱之為慈悲。勇敢是對己同情...... 在與他人相處時具有一種廣大開放的心懷;而這是美好、奇妙的。


The Sad Smile of Compassion

There are hundreds of thousands of people who need your help, which makes you feel sad, so sad. . . . That sadness is a key point, ladies and gentlemen. In the back of your head, you hear a beautiful flute playing, because you are so sad. At the same time, the melody cheers you up. . . . In spite of being sad and devastated, there is something lovely taking place. There is some smile, some beauty. In the Shambhala world, we call that daringness. In the Buddhist language, we call it compassion. Daringness is sympathetic to oneself . . . there is a sense of big open mind in dealing with others, which is beautiful, wonderful.

From “Helping Others,” in Great Eastern Sun: The Wisdom of Shambhala, page 27.
