香巴拉國際現世的領導者,尊貴的薩姜米龐仁波切,在新年前夕,特別加持祝福了阿闍黎 Arawana Hayashi 二月份的台北香巴拉弘法教學活動。以下是中文翻譯和英文原文:
我在此賦予我對你們所有人的祝福。我很高興地看到,阿闍黎(Acharya)Arawana Hayashi 將會教導你們大家。阿闍黎 Hayashi 在我父親邱陽創巴仁波切、和我本人處受過極為良好的訓練,使她能夠完整地傳播香巴拉佛教的教義給各位。
自佛陀的時代起,就有既是僧院傳統出身的上師,與受佛陀授權的在家修行者作為偉大上師的傳統;這從香巴拉的國王達瓦· 桑波開始——他是古代香巴拉王國的第一位法王。我所加持授權的阿闍黎是屬於這個傳統的,是現今香巴拉世界中最高階的宗教導師 。
這些日子以來,在我們在家學佛者的社群裡,有優秀的導師、和優秀的學生,是特別重要的事;以此,我們能夠以超越傳統寺院的形式、去利益廣大世界的眾生。於這一個吉祥的、阿闍黎 Arawana Hayashi 所提供的珍貴的香巴拉法教之活動,我對台北香巴拉寄與我的加持祝福。
薩姜,蔣貢· 米龐仁波切
I send my blessings to you all. I am very pleased that Acharya Arawana Hayashi will be teaching you. Acharya Hayashi has been trained well by my father and me to transmit the Shambhala Buddhist teachings.
Since the time of the Buddha, there is both the tradition of monastic teachers, and the tradition of the Buddha empowering lay students as great teachers, beginning with King Dawa Sangpo, the first Dharma King of the ancient Kingdom of Shambhala. The Acharyas that I have empowered are in this tradition, and are the highest religious ministers in present day Shambhala.
These days it is especially important that we have strong teachers and strong students in the lay community, to benefit the world beyond traditional monastic forms. I send my blessings to the Taipei Shambhala Community on this auspicious occasion of Acharya Hayashi offering you these precious teachings of Shambhala.
The Sakyong, Jamgon Mipham Rinpoche
(Photo by James Hoagland)