2016年6月15日 星期三


邱陽創巴仁波切寫道:「...有許多喚起 (環境中之)『爪拉』(drala) 的例子。如在美國西南地區的一些印第安人能夠在沙漠種植蔬菜,從客觀的角度來看,那裡的土壤是極為貧脊不良的。如果你只是朝大地拋擲一把種子,無物得以生長。但因為世世代代以來印第安人已經培育了此土壤,他們與大地有著甚深的聯繫,他們關照顧土地,對他們而言那是神聖之大地,而因此他們的植物能夠欣欣向榮;這便是真正的神奇。此一視你的環境為神聖的態度,即會帶來『爪拉』。你可以住在土屋平房中,所具備的只不過是一個窗戶,但你如果視此一空間為神聖,如果你用心來關照它,那麼它將是一所宮殿。」

And Chögyam Trungpa writes: There are many . . . examples of invoking external drala [dralas in the environment]. . . . Some American Indians in the Southwest grow vegetables in the desert sands. The soil, from an objective standpoint, is completely infertile. If you just threw a handful of seeds into that earth nothing would grow. But the Indians have been cultivating that soil for generations; they have a deep connection to that earth and they care for it. To them it is sacred ground, and because of that their plants grow. That is real magic. That attitude of sacredness towards your environment will bring drala. You may live in a dirt hut with no floor and only one window, but if you regard that space as sacred, if you care for it with your heart and mind, then it will be a palace.

Jeremy and Karen Hayward, 2014. Sacred World: The Shambhala Way to Gentleness, Bravery, and Power. Shambhala Publications. 
