2016年6月14日 星期二


薩姜米龐仁波切:「我代表整個香巴拉社群,表達對上個週末發生在奧蘭多之殘殺慘案的深刻哀痛。如眾所知佛羅里達州遭受了美國歷史上最慘重的槍擊案件之苦,我的心為受到這場悲劇所影響的每一眾生而悲傷。我要特別著重 LGBT(男女同性戀、雙性戀、跨性別者)世代以來承受無知的暴力與歧視之族群 - 的苦痛。我的修行中含容了這些受苦的人們,也鼓勵你們持他們於你心中。我們應該發願迴向一己的修行給所有的人,不管他們的性取向、種族、或宗教,願他們都能夠體驗到自己的本初善與平和。願槍械暴力的威脅減低,願一切眾生安全無虞。我們把愛心與勇氣獻給所有正在痛苦與恐懼中之眾生。」

Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche: “On behalf of the entire Shambhala community I express profound sadness and pain towards the brutal killings in Orlando this past weekend. As we now know Florida has suffered the deadliest mass shooting in American history. My heart breaks for everyone affected by this tragedy. I want to especially acknowledge the pain of the LGBT community - a community that has faced ignorant violence and discrimination for generations. Those who have suffered are in my practice and I encourage you to hold them in your heart as well. We should dedicate our practice to the aspiration that all people, regardless of their sexual orientation, race, or religion are able to experience their basic goodness and peace. May the threat of gun violence lessen, and may all beings be safe. We send love and courage to all who are suffering and to all who are in fear.”
