科羅拉多州的香巴拉山脈中心今年夏天將舉辦閉關共修營。於七月十八、十九日兩天,香巴拉山脈中心將在網上 (
Shambhala Online) 特別廣播薩姜米龐仁波切與阿尼佩瑪丘卓第一、二場開示的內容。歡迎世界上的香巴拉人一起參加。
Sangha Retreat with Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche and Gampo Acharya Pema Chodron, live from Shambhala Mountain Center:Saturday, July 18 and Sunday, July 19, Shambhala Online will broadcast the first two talks from this summer's Sangha Retreat with Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche and Gampo Acharya Pema Chodron live from Shambhala Mountain Center.
REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN.Proceeds from this event will go to Shambhala Mountain Center. This program is open to all members and friends of Shambhala.
The limited number of individual seats will be offered on first come-first served basis. The program fees will go towards Shambhala Mountain Centre as well as to provide a teaching gift to the Sakyong and Gampo Acharya Pema Chodron.
Because this is a fundraiser for Shambhala Mountain Center, unlike other Shambhala Online events, the generosity policy does not apply to this program, and no streaming or downloadable recordings will be made available.
For further information - exact times, costs, registration and so on,
please click here.