在香巴拉的壇城裡,有覺悟的成就者,更涵容有我們一般平常人 - 士農工商的市井小民,父母、子女,各種身分、職業、年紀,各種信仰的人士。既然其所著重的是「一個覺悟的社會」,社會之中,一切人等都包含在內;修行不是某些人的專利,而是所有人類內在深處的心靈需求。香巴拉以屬世的瑜珈士(household yogins)為主軸,因為這些人真實生活在社會中,是組成當世社會的核心。我們這些凡夫俗子在此物質主義、功利主義瀰漫的世界裡不斷掙扎求活,但我們或許都隱隱約約知道,生命並不止於此!「我有明珠一顆,久被塵勞關鎖」——我們皆內具光耀的珍貴品質,那正是香巴拉所強調的本初善(basic goodness)。
創巴仁波切早年與學生們打成一片,他真摯、無偽的精神風範,徹徹底底地轉化了許多弟子的全副生命;這些弟子們,也都以各自能力所及的方式,在修道之旅上持續前進。這裡,編者特別要向各位介紹的是「創巴仁波切編年誌」(Chronicles of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche)。此網站由創巴仁波切的弟子Mr. Walter Fordham 主編,蒐集了不少仁波切珍貴的講法錄影、錄音、文字訪談等,是研究創巴仁波切教法與生平事蹟的重要資料庫之一,在此鄭重向您推薦!請多點閱、護持。
敬祝各位 新年快樂!一切吉祥、增上、如意!
The Chronicles of CTR is a celebration of the life of Vidyadhara the Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Our mission is to expand the general knowledge and understanding of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche's life and teachings. We are a growing online community with a common passion: the life and work of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. We include students of Trungpa Rinpoche, members of the extended Shambhala community, students of the many authentic Buddhist masters currently teaching in the West, and people who are inspired by his life and teachings for a wide variety of reasons. This all inclusive or pansangha is Trungpa Rinpoche's extended community of students. Just as Padmasambhava is the essential guru for almost all Tibetans, Trungpa Rinpoche fulfills that role for a growing number of dharma practitioners in the west.
We are a registered non-profit society in the Province of Nova Scotia. Our Board of Directors includes Joanne Fordham, Walter Fordham, Carolyn Gimian, Cassell Gross, Daniel Hessey, and Andrew Munro. The Chronicles is supported by it's members. To become a member, please visit our membership page.
Contact Information
Chronicles of CTR
PO Box 33035
Halifax, NS B3L 4T6
(902) 423-1097
Walter Fordham, Director
Joanne Fordham
Chronicles News
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