2009年1月23日 星期五









理查·雷奧克 Richard Reoch
香巴拉總裁 President of Shambhala

Photo: Shambhala President Richard Reoch



I would like to extend my warmest wishes, both personal and presidential, to the Shambhala community throughout the Chinese-speaking world as celebrations begin to welcome in the Year of the Ox.

The whole world is going through an intense period of transition. When I visited Asia in October I remember poignantly a local airport worker who told me that had lost almost all his life savings because the investment company he relied on had gone bankrupt. There are now millions of people whose lives have been turned upside down in much the same way throughout the world. The economic crisis is deepening a mood of fear, uncertainty and mistrust. For many people, the situation is all the worse because of increased violence and the threat of aggression.

In the Shambhala teachings, this is known as a “dark age” -- where extreme greed and aggression overwhelm human society. According to those same teachings, however, it is precisely in the midst of such a dark age that Shambhala wisdom emerges. As the old order falls apart, people search for more enduring insight and values. In the midst of their pain, they are deeply penetrated by the teachings on compassion and wisdom.

These are the wonderful teachings that we have the good fortune to hold in our Shambhala mandala. Recently, the Sakyong said: “
The climate is right for this: there is a general mainstream realization that we have to look at how we are going to change, govern and move forward in the world. The teachings we practice are synchronized with that.”

So as we enter this New Year, let us be thankful that we have the good karma to have encountered these teachings. Let us give thanks for having the good fortune to have such a splendid leader and teacher in our beloved Sakyong. And let us resolve to take these teachings to heart and manifest them, as best we can, in the world around us.

With every good wish for the year ahead,


Richard Reoch
President of Shambhala
